Doctoral researchers within the group have developed various theses in the ambit of synthesis and characterization of polymeric materials and the mechanical characterization of other functional materials. The following list presents in reverse chronological order the theses defended in recent years.
Progress in sustainability within the realm of designing new thermosetting materials
Adrià Roig Gibert
Universitat Rovira i Virgili (2023)
Summa cum Laude by unanimity of the members. International Mention
Supervisor: Àngels Serra/Sílvia De la Flor
Politiouretanos termoestables vitriméricos con propiedades mejoradas de reciclabilidad
Federico Guerrero Ruiz
Universitat Rovira i Virgili (2023)
Supervisor: Àngels Serra/Sílvia De la Flor
Smart thermosets based on poly(thiourethane) networks
Francesco Gamardella
Universitat Rovira i Virgili (2021)
Summa cum Laude by unanimity of the members. International Mention
Supervisor: Àngels Serra Albet/Xavier Ramis Juan
Dual-curing thiol-acrylate-epoxy thermosets for functional applications
Claudio Russo
Universitat Rovira i Virgili (2021)
Summa cum Laude by unanimity of the members. International Mention.
Supervisor: Silvia De la Flor/ Xavier Fernández-Francos
New epoxy composites with enhanced thermal conductivity keeping electrical insulation
Isaac Isarn Garcia
Universitat Rovira i Virgili (2019)
Excel.lent cum laude per unanimitat. International Mention
Supervisors: Francesc Ferrando/Angels Serra
Design and Characterization of Actively-Moving Polymers obtained via Dual-Curing processing
Alberto Belmonte Parra
Universitat Rovira i Virgili (2018)
Excel.lent cum laude per unanimitat. International Mention
Supervisors: Silvia De la Flor/Xavier Fernández-Francos
Nuevos procesos de curado click con tioles y su aplicación a la preparación de materiales basados en eugenol
Dailyn Guzmán Meneses
Universitat Rovira i Virgili (2017)
Excel.lent cum laude per unanimitat
Supervisors: Àngels Serra/Xavier Ramis
Experimental Characterization of Shape-Memory Polymers: Influence of Processing Methods and Chemical Structure.
David Manuel Santiago Abraria
Universitat Rovira i Virgili (2016)
Excel.lent cum laude per unanimitat. International Mention. 3rd Prize for the Spanish Association of Mechanical Engineering for the best Doctoral Thesis.
Supervisors: Silvia De la Flor/Francesc Ferrando
Hyperbranched poly(ethyleneimine) derivatives as modifiers in epoxy networks
Cristina Acebo Gorostiza
Universitat Rovira i Virgili (2016)
Excel.lent cum laude per unanimitat, European Mention. Extraordinary Award, 2nd Award to the best thesis in polymers granted by Spanish Polymer Group.
Supervisors: Àngels Serra/Xavier Ramis
Caracterització Termomecànica d'Actuadors amb Memòria de Forma NiTiCu.
Albert Fabregat Sanjuan
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (2015)
Excel.lent cum laude per unanimitat
Supervisors: Silvia De la Flor/Francesc Ferrando
Do you want to find out more?
TDX (Theses and Dissertations Online) is a digital cooperative repository of doctoral theses presented at some Spanish universities. The consultation of theses is opened and allows the user to construct searches on the complete text of the files by author, advisor, title, keywords, university and department of publication, year of defense, etc.